Mar Williams is a Denver metro based artist, muralist, and tinkerer, and a registered artist with the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Mar works locally and internationally in fine art, digital and experimental mediums. They maintain an interest in the artistic applications of emerging technologies, but is more often found outside or in their studio, engaged in the hands-on side of art making.
Mar has painted murals from Denver to Beijing (2019), held a residency at the Denver Art Museum (2016), co-founded and chaired makerspaces (2012-2014), and co-founded the former non-profit collective arts space, Cabal Gallery (2014-2019).
Mar's art practice seeks to explore and integrate themes of queer, cultural and personal identity, cultural histories and craftmanship, with illustrative, lowbrow and a sometimes absurd sense of whimsy.
Ex Libris: Denver Artists - 2022
"What do you think is the most important resource that Libraries provide to you as an artist?
Headspace. Libraries to me have always been a welcoming quiet place to just exist and let my mind wander. With all the pressure to consume and hustle saturating our daily lives, libraries are incredibly important. I don't think I could really be creative at all without a sense of sanctuary." -
As COVID Hit, Two Denver Artists Imagined a World After Quarantine
Denver artists Mar Williams and Ryan Foo had a hopeful vision as COVID-19 hit the country.
Denver Art Museum Residency - 2016
“What I want to show to people is something that’s more human, something that they can relate to in a way that they would relate to another person, and see this data in a way that makes emotional sense to them.”
Westword Mastermind Award - 2016
“I’d like to see more art recognized in hackerspaces. Attention seems weighted towards products, devices, tools that come out of them. I’d like to see more support in that scene for less directed making of things, more playfulness, more thermite.”
Westword "100 Colorado Creatives" - 2017
“A mystery patron offers you unlimited funds for life. What will you do with it?
I’d buy all the buildings on South Broadway and stop charging rent. I’d reopen the laundromat. I’d open a completely free hackerspace/makerspace full of whatever equipment people want to play with. I’d declare myself block captain and drive around on a segway with a megaphone and a little cape until people called me an asshole. Then, in a fit of insecurity, I’d throw my segway on the ground. I wouldn’t even take it home. I’d just leave it there. I think it’d be a really positive change for the neighborhood.” -
Colorado Public Radio: Artist Mar Williams - 2014
“Everyone has their own thing. The idea isn’t so much to work collaboratively, but rather to hang out, work on our own projects and inspire each other. Alchemy may happen in that environment… It’s really loose, and I think that’s a great way to keep things creative, inspired and ever evolving.”
Confluence Denver "Life Hacks With Mar Williams" - 2014
“Ever use a shower built from a bucket, a hula hoop, a piece of hose and an aquarium pump?”